CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEARTSof JESUS and MARY General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome
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"To the heart nothing is far away" (Good Mother)
16.09.2014Enlarged General Council in Rome (Brs) The SSCC Brothers Enlarged General Council that will last for 8 days has just begun this evening. It is made up of members of the General Government and the Major Superiors (Provincials and Vice-Provincials). This time the participants are composed of 21 members: the Supe...
15.09.2014Video of the SSCC World Adoration on the feast of Saint Damien On the Feast of Damian De Veuster (9-10 May 2014), the Sacred Hearts (Picpus) family did the worldwide Adoration all at the same time. Some communities have made videos of the memorable moment, a worldwide event done for the first time in the history of the Congregation. ...
13.09.2014† Fr. Piet (Pancratius) HUYGEN sscc (Flanders)
10.09.2014Letter of the Superior General – POITIERS-PICPUS (Brs)
08.09.2014100 Years Ago This Time in Leuven… (Brs) 1914 supposed to be the Silver Anniversary of Father Damien’s Dies Natalis. It was an excellent opportunity for the Sacred Hearts fathers and the authorities of the Church in Leuven to draw public attention to the heroic figure of Father Damien. A program was de...
08.09.2014First Profession of Miriam Ozcoidi and Final Profession of Mª del Mar Pérez (Srs) On Saturday 6th September, the first profession of Miriam Ozcoidi and the final profession of Mª del Mar Pérez took place in the chapel of El Paraíso School. The Eucharist was presided by Nacho Moreno, vicar provincial of Iberia Province. Miriam and...
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By an order coming from the Lord, Mother Henriette adds to the instruments of penance