27.03.2016Perpetual Profession of Nelida Cayllahua Itusaca sscc in Peru (Srs)
This March 27 we have been celebrating for many reasons: the celebration of Easter, the anniversary of the death of the Good Father and the perpetual profession of our dear sister Nelida Cayllahua Itusaca sscc, born in the province of Ayaviri - Puno.
The Eucharist was...

27.03.2016† Sister Leonila CIFUENTES, sscc (Colombia)

27.03.2016Happy Easter to the whole Congregation!
From Suva, Fiji, where Pankras and I are visiting our brothers of formation house of the US province, I am send to the whole Congregation an Easter greeting, wishing everyone the peace and joy that brings the Risen Lord.
In this day of Easter, which is also the annive...

25.03.2016Letter 33 of the Superior General – UNCERTAINTY (Srs)

23.03.2016Meeting of Brothers of the first stage of ongoing formation, Iberia (brothers).
The Brothers´ meeting of the first stage of Ongoing Formation took place in Seville, from Sunday March 20 night until to Tuesday 22 at lunch time. The age range goes from about 30 to 60, so the group was divided into two subgroups. The group of older brothers was co...

20.03.2016Celebration of Final vows of Jeanneth Molina sscc (sisters)
With joy we celebrated the perpetual vows of our sister Jeanneth Molina sscc, which took place on March 18, at the “Sacred Hearts” Retreat House, in Quito (Ecuador).
The Eucharist was presided by Abdón Palma, ss.cc. and concelebrated by five religio...