Good Mother"All for God, nothing but for Him! No other support, no human assistance! Have courage; abandon yourself to God who will not abandon you!"
Good Father"In all your actions have the spirit of the good God and do nothing without his authorization."
Good Mother"Fear nothing; whatever the Good God keeps is well kept."
Good Father"We ought to accustom ourselves to sense keenly that there is no true joy except in the practical exercise of our duties and of the most tender charity among us all."
Good Mother"Do realize that we depend upon one another. Perhaps it is to your prayers, to your virtues that God attaches the special graces he wishes to grant to the Society of which you are members."
Good Father"We are very happy to share the cross of our Divine Master."
Good Mother"A simple act of faith is the remedy for nearly all temptations. It is often dangerous to try to repulse them by forcing ourselves into a contrary feeling."