CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEARTSof JESUS and MARY General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome
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26.11.2014In the Spirit of Saint Damien - Celebrating 150 Years! (SS.CC.) Hawaii
26.11.2014The life of the Good MotherUS prenovitiate
25.11.2014In the Spirit of Damien Animation St. Patrick School Hawaii
20.11.2014Hawaii Pilgrimage to the Canonization of St. Damien of Molokai
20.11.2014"The Power of Compassion" - Father Damien
18.11.2014How I discovered my vocation? (Peru)
18.11.2014SSCC Fraternity (Chile)
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The Good Mother predicts that the Blessed Virgin will see to it that our Constitutions are approved