CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEARTSof JESUS and MARY General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome
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14.04.2016Juan Luis Schuester sscc, father, brother and friend (1947-2016) (Spanish)
23.03.2016"HERMANOS EN CAMINO" ("Brothers on the way")- SSCC Chile Argentina 2016El espíritu de familia (SSCC Family spirt)
02.02.2016SSCC Family night at Kaneohe (Hawaii) January 26, 2016
09.01.2016"Sucedió en Belén" Making off
01.01.2016 "HERMANOS EN CAMINO" - SSCC Chile/Argentina 2016
15.12.2015Eugenio Eyraud, Misionero en Isla de Pascua
19.08.2015Interview with Paul Fontaine
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