Good Mother"You practice the vow of poverty strictly, but then, since God so wills it, be poor with Jesus poor! May his Divine Heart be our support and model!"
Good Father"May peace, union, and concord be with you all."
Good Mother"Be assured that with perseverance it is impossible for you not to do well."
Good Father"Let us then adore all the decrees of Divine Providence. Let us take up courage and bless God."
Good Mother"Not courage above your strength, but patience and resignation."
Good Father"I recommend courage and docility to the holy inspirations of grace."
Constitutions art. 2
"From this consecration our mission has its origin: to contemplate, live and announce to the world God’s love, which was made flesh in Jesus. Mary has been associated in a singular way with the mystery of God made man and with His saving work: this is what is expressed in the union of the heart of Jesus and the heart of Mary."