Good Father"I hope in the protection of our dear Queen of Peace, but, O God, we must be crucified in heart and mind."
Good Mother"Stretch yourself generously on the cross and you will find it less heavy! Let us walk courageously in the footsteps of a God crucified!"
Good Father"We love you in the Lord and we want each and every one to be well convinced of our good wishes and our tender longing for your perfect happiness."
Good Mother"Ah! More than ever, let us enter into the painful martyrdom which is the consolation of souls who follow the Spouse!"
Good Father"I give thanks to Our Lord Jesus Christ that I have found you the constant friends of His Divine Heart."
Good Mother"Let us bless Divine Providence which causes us to move at its will and which finds us always resigned to its decrees."
Good Father"Accept everything as coming from the Spouse of your soul!"