"In Jesus we find everything"

General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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"To the heart nothing is far away" (Good Mother)

  • 22.04.2009Report on the first Chapter of Japan-Philippine Province by some young brothers (Brs)April 22, 2009 by: Brs. Jovy Garcia and Michael Hifarva    The first Chapter of the newly erected Japan-Philippine Province that took place in Tomobe, Japan and in Manila, Philippines from April 13-17, 2009 was very meaningful for everyone present at the chapter...

  • 17.04.2009New Provincial Government of Germany (Brs) This news is available only in Spanish. Please click on the following title if you're willing to read it: Nuevo Gobierno Provincial de Alemania (Hnos)

  • 17.04.2009Provincial Chapter of Poland (Brs) This news is available only in Spanish. Please click on the following title if you're willing to read it: El Capítulo Provincial de Polonia (Hnos)

  • 16.04.2009First Provincial Government of the new Province of Japan-Philippine (Brs)    On April 16 the first provincial government of the new province was elected: John Yamada (Provincial), Andy Healy (Vicar), Michiaki Chihara (Councilor) Noel Flaviano (Councilor).     The four are in the photo. Noel is on the computer screen as h...

  • 14.04.2009Province of Japan-Philippine (Brs)   On Easter Monday, April 13, 2009, the Province of Japan - Philippine was officially erected in Tomobe, Japan during a Eucharist celebrated by the Superior General. The first Provincial Chapter began that evening. On the agenda are the approval of the Plan of Apostoli...

  • 10.04.2009Happy Easter to you all !   Christ is risen! So the Church proclaims, at the end of this Easter night, even as yesterday she proclaimed Christ’s death on the Cross. It is a proclamation of truth and life.      “Christ is risen from the tomb, who for our sakes hung u...

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