"In Jesus we find everything"

General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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"To the heart nothing is far away" (Good Mother)

  • 10.12.2024Deacon ordination of Juan Carlos Martínez (USA) After receiving his final vows, last night December 6th at Holy Name of Mary Church in San Dimas, Juan Carlos Martínez was ordained a transitional deacon by Bishop Brian Nunes, regional bishop of the San Gabriel region of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, on Saturday...

  • 09.12.2024 † Sister Adriana Luisa Saravia Vergara, ss.cc. (Chile) Sister Adriana Luisa Saravia, 82 years old, died on December 6, 2024 in Viña del Mar , Chile. She entered the novitiate in 1967 in Santiago, Chile and she pronounced her perpetual vows on December 16, 1979 in Santiago, Chile.

  • 08.12.2024Visits to the Brothers' General House (Rome) On Saturday, December 7, the community of Via Rivarone received the visit of our brother David de la Torre sscc, Auxiliary Bishop of Quito (Ecuador), who came to accompany the new Ecuadorian Cardinal Monsignor Luis Cabrera. We also had the presence of our sister Mercy Zab...

  • 07.12.2024Juan Carlos "Charlie" Martinez's perpetual vows (USA) At Holy Name of Mary Church in San Dimas, CA in the evening of December 6th, Br. Juan Carlos “Charlie” Martínez sscc took his perpetual vows into the hands of Fr. Lane Akiona sscc Provincial of the U.S. Province, assisted by Fr. Rich Danyluk sscc, Novic...

  • 07.12.2024Video: SSCC in Concepción (Chile) In this video we see the works of the Congregation in Concepción (Chile). It shows us the accompaniment of young people, families and communities through the school, the Youth Pastoral Center and the Communities of Life. The video includes testimonies of those ...

  • 06.12.2024International Volunteering in Bolivia The weekend of the 30th of November was the date for the final meeting in Madrid of the participants in the International Volunteering experience in Bolivia. They had been in Bolivia for the month of August. During this weekend of being together, they were able to persona...

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