"In Jesus we find everything"

General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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"To the heart nothing is far away" (Good Mother)

  • 02.06.2009Brothers of CAP who are around the final vows (Brs.)  Brothers of CAP who are around the final vows, are gathered in “Semirani Damian”, in Bandung (Indonesia), for a program of three weeks. It started on May 18th and will end on June 10th.    The participants are: NIKOLAUS BOT SURA (Indonesia), TARSIUS...

  • 21.05.2009Provincial Chapter of USA-East: new Provincial Government (Brs)   The Provincial Chapter of the USA-East, meeting in Wareham, Massachusetts, elected the Provincial Government for the next three years: Bill Petrie (Provincial), Tom McElroy, (Vicar), Paul Aves, Fintan Sheeran and Bob Charlton. In the photo they are shown with the Sup...

  • 08.05.2009Canonical visit to Hawai (Srs)   On April 30th Rosa Maria Ferreiro, Superior General and Brigid Falahee, Vicar General arrived in Honolulu to carry out the canonical visit of the sisters who are in the communities in Hawaii and to participate in the celebrations of the 150 years of the arrival of ou...

  • 04.05.2009Upcoming Canonization of Blessed Damien De Veuster sscc: letter of the General SuperiorsSaint Damien De Veuster sscc   Letter of the General Superiors On the occasion of the upcoming canonization of Blessed Damien De Veuster sscc Rome, May 10, 2009     To the Brothers and Sisters of the Congregation Dear Brothers and ...

  • 01.05.2009Provincial Chapter of Flanders (Brs)   The Provincial Chapter of Flanders took place in Louvain April 28030. Participating were 13 capitulants, including Juan Carlos Tinjaca as delegate of the Vice-provincial of Colombia, who could not be present. Also present was the Superior General. The second day ther...

  • 24.04.2009Visit to the United States and Hawaii (Srs)    Rosa Maria Ferrreiro, Superior General and Brigid Falahee, Vicar General are carrying out the Canonical Visit to the communities of the Pacific Province and the United States.     The visit began on April 21st to the community in Fairhaven, Mass...

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