04.07.2009"2009 Picpus Session": July 4- 27
The 2009 Session-Picpus 2009 opened officially on 4th July after dinner.
In the opening session, we were welcomed by Jeanne Cadiou, ss.cc. (Sector leader of France-Quebec) ...

03.07.2009Spanish Martyrs SS.CC. On July 3, the Vatican Information Service has published the good news of the Pope's recognition as MARTYRS of our brothers of Teófilo de Legaria Fernández Goñi, Isidro Iñiguez, Gonzalo Barrón, Mario Lopez and Eladio Ros, religion persecution vi...

29.06.2009Conclusion of the 3rd Provincial Chapter of Indonesia (Brs) The 3rd Provincial Chapter of Indonesia came to the end. It approved the PVRA of the Province as well as a "plan of actions" for the next 3 years.
The new Provincial Government is composed by: Antun WARDOYO, who was re-e...

24.06.2009Provincial Chapter of Indonesia (Brs.) From June 24th to July 1st is celebrated the 3rd Provincial Chapter of Indonesia. The Chapter meets at the retreat house "Deo gratias", near Bandung. They are 12 delegates and the 5 members of the Provincial Government, representing the 75 broth...

15.06.2009Meeting of the Initial Formation Commission of the Conference of Europe and Africa (Brs)
The participants at the meeting were: Julio García, Jeremías Cuesta, Alphonse Fraboulet, Derek Laverty and Jerzy Grzanka (coordinator of CFIEA). There wasn’t any representative from the Province of Africa.
The me...

07.06.2009Canonical visit of the General Government to the Province of Chile (Brs)
This news is only available in Spanish.
If you're willing to read it, please click on the following title:
Visita canónica del Gobierno General a la Provincia de Chile (Hnos)