CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEARTSof JESUS and MARY General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome
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"To the heart nothing is far away" (Good Mother)
05.03.2016† Fr. Jesús DÍEZ ROYO sscc (Iberia)
04.03.2016Opening of Center for Spirituality and "Pousada" SSCC in Pindamonhangaba (Brazil) (brothers) The so long-awaited and well prepared moment finally arrived. A few years ago a Provincial Chapter took the decision to make a Center for Spirituality and a "Pousada" on the property that the Congregation has in Pindamonhangaba. This place already has more than ...
03.03.2016The canonical visit to the US Province has begun (brothers) The canonical visit of the General Government to the US Province started on February 29, with the arrival of the Superior General, Javier Álvarez-Ossorio, to Fairhaven (Massachusettes). Pankras Olak will arrive on March 5 to join Javier in the visit. The visito...
02.03.2016Letter of the Superior General - MY SOUL IS SORROWFUL EVEN TO DEATH (Brs)
02.03.2016Annual Assembly of the Secular Branch Sector Peru On the 28th February the beginning of year Assembly of the Secular Branch from the Peru Sector took place.With the joy of seeing each other and getting to know about each of our communities, we began our agenda, which was marked by several important themes. ...
01.03.2016Letter of the Superior General - FIX YOUR EYES ON JESUS (Srs)
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By an order coming from the Lord, Mother Henriette adds to the instruments of penance