CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEARTSof JESUS and MARY General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome
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"To the heart nothing is far away" (Good Mother)
04.11.2015Constitutions Committee (Srs) The Constitutions committee met in Rome from 26th – 30th October. The participation of the Sisters in the “Stories of Life”, has been very much appreciated, resulting in a very enriching witness for the whole Congregation. They also had a meeting wit...
02.11.2015November 2015: Calendar of Events (Brs & Srs) CLICK
02.11.2015Letter of the Superior General –SYNOD (Brs)
01.11.2015ITALY, Rome: All Saints Day visit to Campo Verano cemetery (01.11.2015)
31.10.2015International Meeting on the Treatment and Trafficking of People (Brs) The Saint Martha Group was founded in 2013 with the inspiration of Pope Francis. Its purpose is to move forward a collaboration between police and church to fight the treatment and trafficking of people. Pat Lynch sscc auxiliary bishop of Southwark (London) is one of the gr...
28.10.2015Meeting at the mother house of the Province of Poland (Brs) The first meeting of the provincial government with the superiors of the communities was held on the 26th and 27th of October 2015 at CHRISTUS REX, the mother house of the province of Poland. Also participating were brothers responsible for SSCC ministries. The aim of t...
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By an order coming from the Lord, Mother Henriette adds to the instruments of penance