CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEARTSof JESUS and MARY General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome
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Home / Library / Saint Damien / Articles and Essays
Letters of Superiors General
John Paul II_Speech on Damien´s beatification
Stevenson RL_Open letter to Rev. Dr. Hyde
Books on Fr. Damien
Comic about St. Damien
Álvarez-Ossorio J_Meditation before the Blessed Sacrament Vigil 10.10.2009
Lazcano F_Damien and his partner leprosy (2014)
Lazcano F_Damien and sscc charism (power point)
Mpia W_Damien: serie of departures
Brion E_A surprising statue
Alexis Bachelot and Patrick Short arrive in California aboard the "Waverley."