The 3rd Assembly of the Latin America Zone of the Sisters and the Assembly of the SSCC Brothers, CIAL (Interprovincial Conference of Latin America), took place from November 13-18, 2023, at the SSCC House of Prayer, in Cruzpamba, Quito, Ecuador.

Among the topics on the agenda of the Sisters' Assembly was the evaluation and updating of the Apostolic Plan of the Zone (PAZ), the revision and updating of the Statutes and the presentation of the economic report.
The Superiors General, Patricia Villarroel and Alberto Toutin, were also present, via telematics, sharing with Brothers and Sisters, the current reality of the Congregation and possible future projections. For this session, the different communities of Brothers and Sisters present in Latin America were connected. The interventions of Patricia and Alberto were worked on in mixed groups, in which concerns and some proposals were generated that could contribute to the Sisters-Brothers mission in these Territories and Provinces.

The theme of joint formation was guided by Fernando Cordero sscc, who referred to the calls made to us by the Synod and what answers we find in our charism. The subsequent reflection in small groups of Sisters and Brothers, left challenges on spiritual conversation and synodality in leadership.

The free meetings between Sisters and Brothers were very well appreciated by the two Assemblies. Special mention was made of the cultural afternoon prepared by the teachers of the two SSCC schools of Quito, who prepared typical dances, poetry and a video on the history of the Congregation in Ecuador. There was also an interesting tour of the Historic Center of the city, ending with a special dinner.

The closing Eucharist was presided by Hilvar Loyaga sscc, the new coordinator of the CIAL. Mónica Jiménez sscc, Delegate Superior of the Zone and René Cabezón sscc, outgoing coordinator of the CIAL, thanked in a special way the Community of the House of Prayer and the Sisters and Brothers of Ecuador for their warm welcome.
