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General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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Reports on Secular Branch Activity in different Countries

Guayaquil and Quito (Ecuador) 

Three members of the Good Father Community, Guayaquil renewed their commitments and a new member made commitment for the first time in the parish of the Sacred Hearts (Guayaquil) on August 22.   Sister Lorgia Carrion sscc, Provincial was present as were also the sisters who accompany the lay sscc communities, Father Eladio Romero sscc and Livio Maldonado, National Coordinator of the Secular Branch. Likewise, four new members of Jesus in our Life community made promises.


Sector Assembly of the Secular Branch. The VIII National Assembly pf the SSCC Secular Branch took place October 23 through 25,  in the SSCC house of Prayer, Conocoto, Quito. Four of the five communities were in attendance: Good Mother Cuenca; Queen of Peace La Concordia; Jesus in Our Life,  Quito, the host community. The Good Father community could not be present.  We reflected on the commitment of the lay sscc community within the context of the country, evaluated the progress of SB in Ecuador with a presentation of the life of each lay community. A new sectoral coordination team was chosen for the next two years. Thanks to Livio Maldonado for the service of coordination and now Mario Jimbo begins this service. As expected, there was time for Eucharist and Adoration, as also for a visit to the city of Quito. The next Assembly will be in Concordia in October 2016.


Madrid (Spain)

On two dates October 16 in the residence of the Sisters at Escorial and on November 14 at "El Paraíso" High School, 15 members of the Secular Branch renewed  for three years their commitment to live the charism of the Sacred Hearts in their lives in the context of family, work and social duties.

The first two commitments of the SB Madrid were made in 2000. In 15 years the community has increased. At present it is made up of 28 persons of differing ages and life situations. Within the community, there was growth. There are 21 children between the ages of 14 and 1 year and there’s one on the way. It is a big family,  those who are grandparents and retired sharing the rhythms of life with those who are in full throttle and full of plans; faith is shared, illuminated with the  love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary and one feels the “go forth” to distinct  situations and commitments. All is animated by a common purpose.





Polanica (Poland)

As is the custom around the Feast of Christ the King, the meeting of the SSCC SB took place in the mother house of the Province of Poland, Christ the King, November 19 through 22. Twenty Six members of the SB were present plus three others wanting to know about it. The central theme of the meeting was a global vision of the SB in the entire Congregation. There was discussion of the meeting of the coordinators in 2017. It will be difficult to participate given language problems. The meeting came to a close with the celebration of the Mass of Christ the King and a fraternal agape.

Clondalkin (Dublin)

Thirteen members of the SB renewed their commitment during the celebration of the Eucharist on November 14 in Clondalkin, Dublin. The renewal coincided with the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the SB in Ireland. The day began with a formation session directed by Sister Elizabeth Smith sscc, an accompanist of the lay sscc. She spoke of the history of the SB. The celebration was lively and family-like  with the participation of brothers and sisters of the Congregation as also of friends  and of the people of the parish. Father Michael Foley sscc presided at Eucharist. 




