From 8 to 11 December, a meeting of the General Government (GG) of the Brothers was held in the convent of St. Andrew in Assisi (Italy). Each member of the GG presented something that he brings with him in his ‘baggage’ and something that ‘symbolises’ his life journey in our religious family. Together they revisited the experience and documents of the 40th General Chapter, recognising the tasks that have been entrusted to them. Connecting their reflections with the spirit that animated the decisions of the Chapter, they have identified four main areas: a vision, a style of leadership, inspirational lines and priorities. Other decisions were also taken concerning commissions and other tasks. In addition, the Council members were able - during their time together in Assisi - to visit some significant spots such as the birthplaces of Francis and Clare. The atmosphere in the town confirmed that Assisi was definitely in a pre-Christmas mood.