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General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


Home / News / Meeting of the Superiors of the Iberian Peninsula (Bros & Sis)

Meeting of the Superiors of the Iberian Peninsula (Bros & Sis)

   From 14 to 16 February the meeting of Superiors of the Iberian Peninsula took place in the house of our sisters in San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Madrid). It was organized by Julio Garcia ss.cc. and Consuelo del Saz ss.cc., coordinators of ongoing formation.

   On the 14th the day began with a prayer prepared by José Luis Pérez ss.cc. Then the two provincials, Enrique Losada ss.cc. and Nuria Arias ss.cc., made a presentation on the content and experiences of the General Chapters held in Rome last September. There was time for personal reflection as well as in groups. 

   The participants were invited to express their thoughts and to consider future challenges faced by ss.cc. charism and mission in Spain and Portugal. In the hall some responded issues such as: community as the agent of mission, communitarian discernment for mission, the challenges of margins, etc.. The day concluded with time for adoration led by Carmen Garcia ss.cc.
The morning of February 15 started with a short prayer led by Maria Jesus Rodriguez ss.cc. Then Miguel Diaz ss.cc. gave us a reflection on religious life in the light of Vatican Council II. "It's good to be aware of how we live today and we make a discernment of our evolution as religious in these 50 years," noted Michael, “to remain open to the future with the dynamism of the Council". 

   Later on, there was time for group meeting and general sharing in order to find some common lines facing the community’s life and mission. We proceeded to talk about ongoing formation for the next academic year, and do a little evaluation. Finally, we celebrated the Eucharist, presided by Poldo Antolin ss.cc. who following the thread of the gospel of the day (the calling of Levi) elaborated in his homily an explanation of Caravaggio’s painting "The Calling of Saint Matthew", applied to the General Chapters and to the anniversary of Vatican II.
