06.02.2025Secular Branch Communities Hosts Concert (USA West)
Holy Name of Mary Church was filled with the Holy Spirit and the music of Trevor Thomson on Friday, January 31. Trevor is a nationally regarded singer and songwriter who has released several albums during his career. He is also the Director of Music and Liturgy at Holy Na...

05.02.2025Brazil-Paraguay Annual Assembly
The brothers of the Province of Brazil and the Region of Paraguay gathered from 22 to 28 January at the Jesuit Vila Anchieta, in Boraceia, Bertioga (SP), for their Annual Assembly.
The meeting offered moments of fraternity, prayer, study, pastoral evaluation and leis...

04.02.2025Preparation for Perpetual Vows: A path of deepening and dedication
As we shared with you a few days ago, on 20 January we began a special time of preparation for perpetual vows, a period of reflection, discernment and encounter with the Lord in the depths of our vocation. These have been weeks of intense and profound work, in which each ...

04.02.2025† Sister Margarita Portugal Apaza sscc (Bolivia)
Sister Margarita Portugal, 99 years old, died on February 3th, 2025 in Obrajes (La Paz) Bolivia. She entered the novitiate in 1950 in Chosica, Peru, and she pronounced her perpetual vows on February 11, 1955 in Chosica, Peru.

04.02.2025Letter of the Superior Generals - BOTH WERE KEEN TO DISCERN GOD'S ACTION IN THEIR LIVES

04.02.2025Secular Branch Meeting (Polynesia)
On Sunday 26th January, the Secular Branch in Polynesia met under the guidance of Fr. Ferry Tobe, sscc.
The meeting was an opportunity for members to wish each other a happy and holy year 2025 and to bless the images of the ‘Sacred Hearts’, whi...