On December 22, the film 'Heart of a Hero', dedicated to the life of St. Damien De Veuster, was released on the YouTube channel of Splendor Producciones, free of charge. The film, lasting two hours, consists of two parts: the first part is focused on Damien's vocational process, which he himself narrates. It presents a boy with the illusion of being a hero for his country and, little by little, he discovers that to be a hero is to give one's life with and for the poor. As a young man he has a special relationship with his mother, family and friends who encourage him to foster his strength of heart, his love for the Sacred Hearts, his love for the Eucharist and his constant availability. He grows into a Damien who discovers his vocation of service. The second part deals with his mission on the island of Molokai. Luis Javier Zito, from Miles Christi in Argentina, was the director and producer of the film.