CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEARTSof JESUS and MARY General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome
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20.05.2015One Sole Heart (Colegio Virgen de Mirasierra SSCC Madrid)
15.04.2015Interview with Marcos Vinicius sscc on Fr.Eustaquio 2015.04.09
26.02.2015SSCC Brothers in Perú (January 2015)
18.01.2015Pastorela 2014, Youth group Saint Damien of Molokai SSCC, Mexico DF
18.01.2015Consecration to the Immaculate Conception, Parish SSCC Mexico DF
18.01.2015Via Crucis, SSCC Parish, México DF
16.12.2014Gathering around the figure of Ronaldo Muñoz sscc five years after his death (Chile)2014.12.13 Parroquia San Pedro y San Pablo, Santiago de Chile
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Election of Patrick Bradley as ninth Superior General.