CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEARTSof JESUS and MARY General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome
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Rule of Saint Benedict
Circulat letter of the Good Father (11.02.1826)
Numbers of the Rule recomended by Good Father
B Couronne_From St. Benedict to Fr. Coudrin (Dossier Horizons Blancs)
B Couronne_ The Rule of Saint Benedict as source of inspiration fro our apostolic religious life (Cs n.19)
H Lena_Apostolic zeal according to St. Benedict
J Letellier_Picpus and St. Benedict
A Laguarda_The rule of St. Benedict
McGuire scj_Genesis of the Rule of St. Benedict
J Álvarez-Ossorio_Saint Benedict (Letter INFO 115, July 4, 2017)
F Lazcano_The Rule of Saint Benedict in the SSCC Congregation
By an order coming from the Lord, Mother Henriette adds to the instruments of penance