Good Mother"I have dared, in spite of my unworthiness, to offer myself as a victim for all."
Good Father"You are where God has placed you. Remain there very calmly. The wind shakes but does not overturn uprooted trees."
Good Mother"Never busy yourself about the conduct of others. Excuse one another. Never reveal the little defects of your Sisters."
Good Father"Let us pray much for one another so that God may continue to give us our daily bread, both spiritual and material. Without a miracle of continuity, we could not live. But, in truth, we are more precious in his sight than the birds of the air who neither sow nor reap and yet are nourished."
Good Mother"Those who think too highly of themselves and want to do more than they can are like birds who try to fly without wings and fall to the ground."
Good Father"Think only of the welfare of the Institute....See God in all and let your sacrifice be entire and perfect."
Good Father, extracts from a sermon of profession, Picpus 1829
"Let us thank God, my dear children... permitting you to renew your vows in the hands of this poor Mother who, although very weak, is still full of life....Let us renew the first fervor of our early beginnings.... This Superior has received your vows; she will keep them for a few days yet, perhaps for a few weeks, and then she will take them to Heaven."