Good Mother"In all, be an angel of peace; pray, have courage and confidence; God will come to the aid of all."
Good Father"We beg you to remember our missionaries during your hours of adoration before the Blessed Sacrament so that the God of all charity will sustain them, preserve them from all danger, and procure for them an abundant harvest."
Billet of the Good Mother "We deprive ourselves of many graces by not paying sufficient attention to the blessing given before Communion."
Good Father"Be careful not to prolong conversations in the parlor beyond what is necessary."
Good Mother"When all is done for God, one finds much courage and greater strength."
Good Father"May the dear Sisters be always well united. God will bless them and the convent will enjoy heavenly favors."
Good Mother"Try to remain in peace, charity, union, benevolence, and that mutual forbearance which bespeaks good spirit and the leniency of Superiors."