CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEARTSof JESUS and MARY General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome
For SSCC only
Home / Our deceased
03.06.2007† Sr. María LOYOLA GARGALLO sscc (Spain)
25.05.2007† Fr. Tarsicio RODRÍGUEZ LLANOS sscc (Spain)
24.05.2007† Sr. Anne Marie LALY sscc (France)
19.05.2007† Fr. Richard CZERWIEN sscc (USA-East)
10.05.2007† Fr. Józef (Alojzy), CHOJNA sscc (Poland)
09.05.2007† Fr. Larry CRAIG sscc (Japan)
01.05.2007† Fr. Valeer (Alberik) BRAECKMAN sscc (Flanders)
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First Circular Letter of the Founder (only for the local superiors) concerning keeping records of personnel.