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General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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Testimonials of lived experience

There are twelve brothers participating for the first time in this General Chapter. To convey a lived experience of this process, four brothers, who have participated in other general chapters, offered their testimony at the beginning of this 40th Chapter. Here is offered a brief excerpt from each one's input.

Camille Sapu sscc, Provincial Superior of Africa:

“The experience of the General Chapter is a great training school in the love of the Congregation. All brothers, whatever their origin, want to contribute to advancing our mission and responding to our charism today. The Chapter gives them the opportunity to touch the will of God through all the debates and discussions. It is a time of strong faith. Believe that God's will for the next 6 years passes through me, through us. Living a General Chapter is living a mission in the Holy Spirit. A mission of listening and a mission of obedience.”

Nugroho Krisusanto sscc, delegate of the Province of Indonesia:

“In the parish, I live with Thomas Waluyo sscc. Finally, after six years of loneliness, I had the opportunity to be in community with an sscc member.

In Bandung we have three SSCC communities. There we reflected the spirit of the 39th General Chapter. “We also organised programmes related to the hundred years of SSCC mission in Indonesia.”

Christian Flottes sscc, delegate of the Province of France:

“A General Chapter has to think about the orientations that will sustain, help and stimulate our communities during the next 6 years; but it is also a time of grace, a time in which we hear a call to conversion to always be a little more available to the Lord to work in his vineyard, not from the point that we know what to do or what we would like to do, but from our desire to do his will.”


Enrique Ramírez Capetillo sscc, delegate of the Province of Mexico:

“When returning home, it is important to help raise awareness that geographical or existential spaces are only uninhabited when there is no solidarity, co-responsibility or fraternity. God dwells with and in us. And Jesus invites us to inhabit all spaces, to feed the poor and be merciful.  The result of the chapters are not only 'decisions', but they outline a spiritual itinerary for the Brothers, Sisters and secular branch. I have always tried to keep in my heart the awareness of the responsibility of my decisions; and also the awareness of being sent by my community to the Chapter; and of being sent then by the Chapter to serve the community.”

