The Zone of Europe-Africa and especially the Territory of Africa had the real pleasure of receiving the perpetual vows of sister Clotilde Mimbo on Sunday 24th September 2017 in the parish of Saint Francis-Xavier, Kinshasa. The father provincial Jean Bosco Elumbe presided at the Mass in the presence of several brothers among whom was the vicar general Camille Sapu, who is present these days in Kinshasa. The Mass was enlivened with beautiful Congolese songs and dances ! Our sister Clotilde was very happy to make her long-awaited vows and be consecrated to the ss.cc, as she expressed in her words of thanksgiving. She was accompanied by her biological family who in turn, expressed their joy in giving their daughter to make her definitive consecration in this religious family! Thank you for your prayers and support during the time of preparation up until today. May the ss.cc always accompany us. Very United with all of you.
