On Saturday, 7 December, after completing their 30-day-retreat lasting from 5 November to 5 December and held in the Batam Race Centre, five brothers from the Province of Indonesia made their final profession. The brothers are Fr. Peter Liang Zhenfeng from China, Br. Gerardus Basenti Kelen, Br. Gabriel Laba Badin, Br. Jacobus Asa and Brother Titus Bala Unagolok. The celebration of final vows took place in the Chapel of St. Bosco, Baloi Kolam, St. Damien Parish. Four of the brothers who made their final vows came from East of Flores, and so the welcome ceremony was carried out in the Lamahotol tradition, with Flores cultural dances. In the Eucharist, during the litany of the saints, the brothers prostrated themselves under a black funeral pall symbolising their dying to the world, and wishing to live only with Christ.
In the homily, the Provincial invited all present to think of this event as part of the celebration of the 100 years of SSCC in Indonesia. In particular, the provincial also invited the five brothers to live out the new encyclical of Pope Francis, Dilexit Nos, to bring the incarnated love of Jesus into their life and ministry as children of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Around four hundred people were present to witness this important even, especially taking into account Brother Gerardus Basenti Kelen, for whom this will be his final celebration as he has chosen to be a lay brother. We hope that this great celebration will bring more vocations to the congregation and especially to the brotherhood. The five brothers will go back the parishes where they had been serving before coming to Batam for their final vows.
Link to the photo gallery: https://acortar.link/vG05Nl