On Friday, 2 August, the ordination to the diaconate of our brother Luis Ángel Nole Curay sscc was celebrated with gratitude. Jorge Izaguirre, bishop of the diocese of Chosica (Lima-Peru) presided over the celebration. In his homily he invited the new deacon to live the ministry with dedication. The task is not finished, but only just beginning. For this reason, he reminded Luis Ángel not to be the centre, but to configure his life with Christ and that his ministry be totally consecrated to service. He invited him to live for others with humility and simplicity, always keeping the poorest in mind.
At the conclusion of the liturgical rite, those present were able to greet the new deacon. Then, during dinner, some dances were performed. We thank God for the gift of this vocation to the service of his people.