The sector of France of the Secular Branch met from September 22 to 24 for its annual weekend at the Cotellerie, near Laval, in Mayenne.
There were about forty participants (including several SSCC brothers and sisters).
During this meeting, the two people who were at the international meeting of El Escorial, last July, shared with the group what they had experienced during this fraternal and exciting week. They shared what are the objectives for the year 2017- 2018.
There were elections of the new Coordinator, Secretary and Treasurer
On this occasion, new commitments and renewals were made. This year, we had the joy of receiving the first commitment of Elisabeth, of the group of Poitiers. Fr. Christian Flottes, the Provincial, presided.
What a beautiful moment of prayer, exchange and fraternity lived out among the Little Brothers of Mary at the Priory of the Cotellerie !
