"In Jesus we find everything"

General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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Meeting of the secular branch (Poland)

From November 23rd to 26th a retreat for the secular branch of our congregation was held in PolanicaZdrój. Sixteen people attended. The days of retreat commenced on the 23rd November, the feast day of our Good Mother. It started with Mass and a sermon about changing our heart with the love of God.


On the 24th of November, there was a Conference about Our Lady of Fatima given by Fr. Zdzislaw Swiniarski, keeper of the Sanctuary; a Way of the Cross led by Fr Jan Smaluch; and Mass with a sermon about how to have belief in hard times. The day finished with all night Adoration.


On Saturday 25th of November there was a conference about the value of the family in the church and in the congregation, given by Fr Józef Kucinski from St Margaret the Martyr Parish in Stara Lomnica. In the afternoon we held a prayer service for our deceased brothers in the community cemetery. That evening at Mass, the sermon focused on sorrow in our lives and how to handle it with the Word of God. After Mass there was supper with singing and sharing.


On Sunday the Feast Day of Christ the King, following morning prayer and preparing the table for lunch, we had Mass with our Provincial Wojciech Kotowski, parishioners, SS.CC brothers and invited guests. The retreet was led by the Superior of Christ the King community, Fr Kamil Wawro. It was a very fruitfull time for us all. 
