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General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


Home / News / Meeting of the Animation Team of the Secular Branch (Srs - Brs)

Meeting of the Animation Team of the Secular Branch (Srs - Brs)

The animation team of the Secular Branch, Elizabeth Smith, Consuelo del Saz, Mary McCloskey, Felipe F. Lazcano and Camille Sapu, met in Rome, September 25 and 26.

Several points were on the agenda, the most important concerning the meeting of the coordinators of the Secular Branch in 2017 and the study of a presentation in Powerpoint.

1. The meeting of the coordinators in 2017

The team had sent a second inquiry to each coordinator to know the preferences on the location of the meeting. The choice was between Lima (Peru) and El Escorial (Spain). After considering all the answers, El Escorial was chosen to host the meeting of the coordinators of the SB. It will take place July 24 - 29 2017. Let it be clear: this is a meeting of lay coordinators, not of the brothers and sisters sscc accompanying the SB.

The theme chosen for this first international meeting of coordinators is "The lay vocation inspired by the charism sscc. Look at the past with gratitude, live the present with passion, embrace the future with hope."

2. PowerPoint presentation on the RS

The Spiritual Animation Team SB SSCC asked Guillermo Rosas (Chile) to prepare a PowerPoint presentation on the history of the SB up to the present, especially the major stages of this story. The presentation can be used as material for animation, with two versions, one being information about  the SB  and another for those who want to know more in depth. Now available in Spanish on this website (click here), it is being translated into French and English. The team takes this opportunity to thank Guillermo for his work and hopes the Secular Branch sectors will avail of this PowerPoint presentation  for additional formation material. 

