On June 10 took place the official opening of the IX Assembly of PPC Asia. The theme of the Assembly is: "Let Christ dwell in your hearts and be rooted and grounded in love" (cf. Eph 3:17).
In addition to the delegates, are attending the Assembly the sisters presents in Indonesia, including the formators of Asia who have just had a formation course. Emperatriz Arrobo sscc, Superior General, and General Government are also present, as well as Regina Mary Jenkins sscc, provincial USA - Pacific. On behalf of the brothers are Nugroho Krisusanto sscc, provincial of Indonesian and coordinator of the CAP, and Enrique Moreno Laval sscc, from Chile, who is currently in the Philippines as formator of the temporary professed brothers, and provides the service of facilitator of the assembly.
The Assembly began with a Mass celebrated by our brother Nugroho, invoking the Holy Spirit. Among the issues to be addressed is the evaluation of the life and mission of the Sisters of Asia over the past three years, the development of PARL for the following years, taking into account the decisions of the 35th General Chapter and the election of the Superior Mayor and Council . The Assembly is scheduled to end on June 15.