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General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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Formation for local superiors in Indonesia (brothers)

Local Superiors from different communities of the Indonesian Province came together at the Retreat House “Batam Oase Centre”, to reflect on the richness of being community in mission and its vibrant dynamics. This program, which started on February 20th and ended on February 24th, had as its purpose the enrichment of local communities and was designed by the Initial Formation Commission.

In the first day, accompanied by RD. Samuel a priest of the Diocese of Pangkalpinang, we journeyed back to the developments of our own human maturation out of which then we can work with our brothers in the community and with the many people whom we serve. Psychologically, we are animated  to build valuable ways of being together. Are virtues of acceptance and forgiveness reflected in the  attitudes shaping the day to day life of our communities? The extensive story of the return of the prodigal son (Luke 15: 11-32) is the model of these attitudes. The son accepts his condition, while his father accepts the return of the son. The father is not judging the fault of his son but, in contrary, he encourages him to have a new life and commitment.

 On the second day,  the Provincial’s day, Fr. Bonie Payong sscc, recalled the need of “Taking Care for Brothers” and creating a “Community as home”. While taking into account the fact that we are human and from different back-grounds, we are led by the Spirit to be one family. So then, we have a clear responsibility for the life of our brothers (cf. Const. 11). Therefore, this “taking care for brothers” flows from the love of Jesus  in Eucharist and adoration.

Another speaker was Yohanes A.D Purnomo, a good catholic who is active in St. Damian Parish. He works in human resources in many companies in Batam and Jakarta. He  shared from his expertise about how to build a good working relationship among brothers and among  brothers and workers.  Good communication and respect toward one another are essential aspects in living community. He addressed also the essence of being a public figure. “A good public speaker must be, first of all, a man of the community.” In that sense, one in service to the people might be understand as the “ambassador” of the congregation and through whom we transmit the Good News.

Good theories and insights can be useful when they are tested in real practice. So, we had the third day off. We played a lot of games and we shared a lot of conversation, maintaining a spirit of unity. However, some questions arose. For example, how well equipped are we to deal with real life problems faced by the brothers? Or, do we need to have some brothers do special studies in order to provide spiritual and psychological accompaniment of the community? And other such questions.

Mr. Damian, who works as treasurer in the Diocese of Pangkalpinang assisted us on the last day to learn of the management of wealth in the new system of taxation in Indonesia. It is simple enough to understand but because of its fundamental importance, one needs a clear head to handle it properly. 
