On 11 January, the ordination as deacon of Cristhian Rudhy Sullca Cori sscc took place in the parish of Nuestra Señora de la Paz, in San Juan de Lurigancho (Peru), at the hands of Monsignor Jorge Enrique Izaguirre Rafael, Bishop of Chosica. It was a real celebration in which the diocesan bishop emphasised the synodal journey together and invited the new deacon to work ‘hard’.
The SSCC family of Peru accompanied Cristhian, led by the Provincial, Franklin Astorga, together with his family and lay people from various places. In his thanksgiving, the new deacon recalled the words of Bishop Pedro Casaldáliga about wanting to have ‘a heart full of names’ at the end of his life. At the end, Monsignor Jorge Izaguirre described the brothers as ‘very good missionaries’, for the local work and for the knowledge he has of the Congregation in Chile, Bolivia and Peru.
Link to the photo gallery: https://acortar.link/8FU7Nb
Link to the video: https://goo.su/XLIh