The Assembly of the brothers of French Polynesia ended on Friday, 18 October. A new PARL (Project of Apostolic Religious Life) for the Region has been approved. It stresses on the priority for the quality of community life and the involvement in the life of the local church.
The region has a new government. Léon LEMOUZY has been appointed regional superior by Christian MALRIEU, the provincial of France, while Philippe PELTIER and Rene POUSSET have been chosen by the brothers as councilors.
Our brother Mgr. Pascal CHANG SOI sscc, bishop coadjutor of the Marquesas and currently apostolic administrator of Tahiti, came one evening to be with the brothers and to celebrate the Eucharist.
Some members of the Secular Branch of Tahiti came to share their experience, attended the Mass, and offered the brothers a delightful dinner.
The Assembly aims to be a realistic starting point for a new phase that opens the Congregation's presence in these islands, linked in a special way to the sscc missionary history.