Mother Teresa has had a particular relationship with the SS.CC. Congregation. Fr. Bill Petrie, the first SS.CC. priest who came for the mission in India, relates:
"On April 15, (Father Damien’s Death Anniversary), we departed for New Delhi and met Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in his residence.
As Prime Minister Gandhi entered the room with a big smile on his face, he said,“Mother Teresa, whatever you have come to ask, the answer is yes!”
Mother Teresa said, “I have a present for you.”
He asked, “What is it?”
and Mother Teresa pointed to me and said, “Here he is!”
When he inquired what it meant, Mother explained about Fr. Damien of Molokai and the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts and the willingness of our community to be involved with leprosy work in India.
The Prime Minister was a little hesitant, because since Indian Independence, they had stopped all foreign missionaries from coming into the country.
Mother Teresa stated, “India needs Fr. Damien’s Congregation.”
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