"In Jesus we find everything"

General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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Assembly and Retreat of the Sisters of Ecuador

From 28th to 30th January this year, the sisters of Ecuador gathered at the House of Prayer in Cruzpamba - Quito, to experience a very important moment: the Provincial Assembly.

The aim of the Assembly was to exercise in conversation in the Spirit in order to share our experience and to discern the paths along which God wants to lead us in the Province.   Leini María Ferrín, Provincial Superior, addressed all the sisters present to encourage them to live this meeting as a fraternal and spiritual experience, guided and accompanied by the Spirit.  It has been a very enriching space for each of the sisters. 

The presentation of the reports of the Province and of each of the commissions that animate and revitalize the life and mission of each sister and community, has allowed the sisters to know and appreciate all the effort and love given, so that the charism and spirituality ss.cc. is strengthened every day more, wherever the Congregation is present.

After getting to know the road travelled through the reports presented, time was dedicated to reflect on the resonances and challenges that arise in each of the commissions and that allow us to continue giving life and life in abundance where each sister and community give their lives daily. On the basis of the challenges raised, each commission will rework its project for the coming years.

This sharing took place in a very fraternal atmosphere where: joy, respect, listening, welcome, gratitude... were the backdrop.

On 30 January, all the sisters who took part in the Assembly enjoyed a day of walking, a day dedicated to relaxation and fraternal encounter, in a beautiful place full of nature and spaces for sport, music and dance.

The sisters continue to gather in the same place to live the Annual Retreat, which will be held from January 31st to February 7th and will be accompanied by Fr. Carlos Revelo, Jesuit priest (Colombia).

