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General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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An Initial formation Get-together in Spain

The by-now traditional meeting of persons in Initial formation took place the week-end of February 23-24, in the house of our sisters, St. Lawrence of El Escorial. This year featured the presence of two prenovices from France accompanied by Alfonse Fraboulet sscc. In all there were seventeen persons in formation: the two from France, two prenovices from Iberica, three novices from Africa; two novices from Iberica; five sisters from Spain in temporary vows and three brothers from Iberica in temporary vows. Some of the formators were able to join in. 

The meeting was well put together and for another year attained its goal: that all in initial formation from both branches of the Congregation would meet, come to know each other a bit better, and share around what they are going through in the initial formation process. The young people organize the encounter each year and choose the theme to be explored. This time around, the sisters prepared the times of personal reflection, guided by the ode to love of St. Paul (1 Cor 13); they invited all to explore being Eucharist for the world of today in an unusual manner, each kneading his or her own bread. Prayer time revolved around the Bread of Life theme and the culmination was in community adoration and the celebration of the Eucharist.

When the time came to break up and go home, there was nothing but gratitude for the opportunity to know this group of brothers and sisters whom we are preparing. With good reason one novice was surprised to grasp how powerful it is to call another person “brother,” “sister.” Thanks be to God, who, become Bread of Life, makes that possible!.
