"In Jesus we find everything"

General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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"To the heart nothing is far away" (Good Mother)

  • 18.02.2008General Finance Commission (Brs)   The newly formed General Finance Commission held its first meeting in Rome on February 15 and 16. The members of the Commission are Iker Barrón, Vice President, Santander Private Banking; Rev. Manfred Kollig, ss.cc. Provincial Econome – Germany; Rev. Ruf...

  • 17.02.2008Meeting of the Provincial Governments of Andalusia and Spain with the General Government (Brs)            On February 15 in the Casa San José in El Escorial there was a meeting of the two provincial governments of Andalusia and Spain with Radek Ziezio (Councilor) and Javier Álvarez-Ossorio (Superior G...

  • 28.01.2008The canonical visitation to the Province of Mexico (Brs)    From January 28 until February 27 the canonical visitation of the Province of Mexico will be taking place. Doing the visit are General Councilors Eduardo Pérez-Cotapos and Felipe F. Lazcano. The visit begins with a meeting with the Provincial Government....

  • 02.01.2008Canonical visit in the Philippines (Brs)   The Superior General and Felipe Lazcano (counselor) are doing the canonical visit in the Philippines from December 31 to January 11. The picture at the left was taken at the novitiate in Manila during a gathering of the brothers and sisters to celebrate January 1.

  • 27.12.2007 New Viceprovincial Government in Japan (Brs)    On December 27th, during the election chapter in Tomobe (that the Superior General is attending), were elected the four Counselors of the new Viceprovincial Superior of Japan.    The members of the new government are: John YAMADA (superior), Kenji ...

  • 24.12.2007Meeting of Local Coordinators of Initial Formation of CAP (Brs)        It was held in Calcutta, India, from December 10-12, 2007 at “Proggaloy”, the Pastoral and Development Center of the diocese of Calcutta.    The participants were Alexis Nayak, sscc, (India); Pankrasius Kraeng, sscc (...

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