"In Jesus we find everything"

General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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"To the heart nothing is far away" (Good Mother)

  • 27.03.2008Provincial Chapter of the Spanish Province (Brs)    The fifteenth Provincial Chapter of the Spanish Province was held in our house in El Escorial during Easter week. The Superior General participated.     After studying different reports, the Chapter dealt with the following topics: reworkin...

  • 26.03.2008Happy Feast of the Good Father    “O Jesus Christ, behold the children of your divine Heart gathered before you in sorrow. We are aware of our sins and the numberless iniquities which inundate France and the whole world. Unworthy as we are, we come to you as victims. Hol...

  • 22.03.2008May the grace and joy of the Risen Christ be with you all the days of the year       “We bring you the good news that what God promised to the fathers, this day he has fulfilled to us their children by raising Jesus."     The Resurrection of Jesus is the crowning truth of our faith...

  • 20.03.2008Canonical visitation to the Province of West USA (Brs)    During the first two weeks of March has taken place the visitation to the Province of West USA. Javier Álvarez-Ossorio, the Superior General, accompanied by Felipe F. Lazcano, made the visit. They met with all the brothers in California as well as the c...

  • 29.02.2008 The canonical visit of the Mexican province 2008 (Brs)      The canonical visit of the Mexican province concluded with a meeting of the general councilors Eduardo Pérez-Cotapos and Felipe F. Lazcano and the Provincial Government on Wednesday the 27th and a final assembly on Thursday the 28th. The tow gen...

  • 26.02.2008Meetings of the Conference of Asia and French Polynesia (CAP) (Brs)       Various meetings of the Conference of Asia and French Polynesia (CAP) are being held in our house in Tomobe, Japan. The treasurers met February 21-22 with Ed Popish, General Treasurer. The assembly of CAP met from the 23 to the 26. Participating ...

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