CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEARTSof JESUS and MARY General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome
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"To the heart nothing is far away" (Good Mother)
04.11.2008Canonical visit in PPC Asia (Srs) The members of the Sisters' General Government have begun the canonical visit in PPC Asia. Brigid Falahee and Alicia Mamani did the visit in the student community in Yogyakarta – Indonesia from November 1st until the 3rd.
03.11.2008Canonical visit to the Province of Germany (Brs) NOTE: This News is available only in Spanish. Please read it in the Spanish section: Visita canónica a la Provincia de Alemania (Hnos)
27.10.2008Statement of the GG on the Secular Branch You can find this text in the Section LIBRARY; Secular Branch: Statement of GG on the Secular Branch - 27 oct 08
27.10.2008New Provincial Superior in Chile (Srs) On October 27th, Irene Arias Vielma was elected Provincial Superior of Chile for a period of three years. This election has been confirmed by the General Government. Irene was born on December 5th 1952 in Villa Alegre (Chile). She is...
24.10.2008Closure of the Diocesan Stage in the Process of the Beatification of Henriette Aymer de la Chevalerie Monsignors, sisters, brothers and friends: At this time, in the name of all the sisters and brothers, I would like to express the joy felt in the Congregation on the occasion of the closure of the diocesan stage in the process of the...
20.10.2008Meeting of the General Government with the Coordinators of the Interprovincial Conferences (Brs)The meeting of the General Government with the Coordinators of the Interprovincial Conferences is being held October 20-24. The agenda includes the following: 1. Reports from each of the conferences: meetings, work of commissions, any ...
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Death of Abraham Coudrin, the Founder’s grandfather.