03.12.2008Provincial Chapter of de Ecuador (Srs)
From November 28th until December 3rd the seventeenth Provincial Chapter of the Province of Ecuador took place in the Cruzpamba house.
The new governmen...

02.12.2008Meeting of the General Government with the Provincial Governments of Poland and Germany (Brs)A meeting of the General Government with the Provincial Governments of Poland and Germany was held in Memholz near Kempten, Germany. The meeting had been called by the General Government at the end of the visits in Poland and Germany (which included Norway and Charleroi) that wer...

12.11.2008Bubhaneswar community (Srs) On November 9th, Rosa Maria Ferreiro, General Superior, and Cristina Naranjo, General Councilor, arrived at the community of Bhubaneswar, India. There the sisters received them with a special Indian rite. Before entering the house, two young candidates washed t...

09.11.2008Canonical Visit to PPC Asia, Indonesia (Srs)
From November 01 to 09, Brigid Falahee, Vicar General and Alicia Mamani, General Counselor did the canonical visit to the communities in Indonesia: Jogjakarta and Bandung.
They had meetings in each community, personal encounters with all...

05.11.2008Canonical visit to the Polish Province (Brs)This news is available only in Spanish in the section:
Visita canónica a la Provincia de Polonia (Hnos)

04.11.2008Visit of the General Government to India (PPC Asia) (Srs)This news is available only in Spanish, in the section:
Visita del Gobierno General a la India (PPC Asia) (Hnas)