CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEARTSof JESUS and MARY General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome
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"To the heart nothing is far away" (Good Mother)
18.01.2010New Provincial Government of Peru-Brazil-Mexico (Srs) During the 14th Provincial Chapter celebrated in Lima from 13-15 of the present month of January Candelaria Nuñez has been elected Provincial Superior for a new mandate of three years. The Provincial Councilors have also been elected: Susana Villarreal, Ter...
13.01.2010The Superior General and Postulator General Thank the Pope for the Canonization of Damien At the end of the Pope's audience on Wednesday, January 13, 2010, the Superior General, Javier Álvarez-Ossorio, and the Postulator General, Alfred Bell had the opportunity to greet the Holy Father personally and give him a letter and gift as an expression of g...
21.12.2009Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in 2010
20.12.2009New Provincial Government of Colombia (Srs) During the 11th Provincial Chapter celebrated in Medelin from 5-19 of the present month of December Adiela Londono has been elected Provincial Superior for a new mandate of three years. The Provincial Councilors have also been elected : Libia Rosa Bañol, Marie...
17.12.2009The Assembly of the Region of Paraguay (Brs) The Assembly of the Region of Paraguay was held December 14-17. All the members of the Regional Government were reelected: Ramón Torre-Marín (Toto) as Regional Superior and as Councilors Alberto Pereda and Ángel Hilario Armoa....
10.12.2009Poitiers English 3- Poitiers English 3
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The Good Father is wounded on the left leg. The wound takes a long time to close. He will be laid up until April.