"In Jesus we find everything"

General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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"To the heart nothing is far away" (Good Mother)

  • 05.10.2013Diploma in Missiology in Bogota, Colombia (Srs) Sisters Carmen Gloria Mancilla, sscc (Chile) and Blanca Orellana, sscc (Ecuador) are participating in a course on MISSIOLOGY at ITEPAL (Theological Institute For Latin America) in Bogota, Colombia, from September 23 to November 15. There are 32 students, among which a...

  • 04.10.2013Commencement of the Netherlands as Delegation (Brs)    On 3 October, the suppression ceremony of the Province of the Netherlands and the erection of the same community as Delegation took place in 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands, as the structure described in the new General Statute 66B. Javier Álvar...

  • 01.10.2013Saint Therese of the Child Jesus (Brs & Srs) CLICK ON IMAGE TO READ MORE...

  • 30.09.2013General Government visits Hawaii (Srs)    The sisters of the General Government are in these days visiting the communities in Hawaii. It's been a very good opportunity to approach the reality of the sisters and the presence of the Congregation in the beloved Mission of Hawaii.    They...

  • 30.09.2013Ordination to Priesthood of Paco Egea and to Deacon of Pablo Márquez (Brs)    At noon on September 28, the priesthood ordination of Francisco (Paco) Egea and diaconal ordination of Pablo Márquez took place in the Parish of the Sacred Hearts of Seville, in a celebration presided by Bishop Santiago Gómez Sierra, auxiliary b...

  • 29.09.2013WELCOME!!! SS.CC. Brothers and Sisters, friends who meet us on the web, With gratitude and happiness we initiate this new stage of the web site of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts.  Without doubt it is an appropriate instrument to help us live our vocation. There are ma...

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