12.03.2014† Sister Gertrude Marie Schroeder, sscc (Hawaii–USA)
May she rest in peace.

11.03.2014Letter of the Superior General – Adoration is a Work (Brs)

08.03.2014Visit of the General Government to Bolivia-Paraguay (sisters)
From 2 to 11 March, the General Government of the sisters is visiting the Province of Paraguay-Bolivia. After a "compulsory" time of rest, because of the altitude, the meeting with the sisters of Bolivia started. The Congregation is present in Bolivia 130 years ...

07.03.2014Canonical visits to Poland and Germany (brothers)
The canonical visit to the province of Poland has started. The Superior General and Pankras Olak traveled to Norway on Thursday 5th, initiating the visit to the brothers of the province. After that they will travel to Poland to visit the various communities. The visit to the P...

07.03.2014DSDI: a day program for youth about Career Guidance and Personality Development INDIA)
Education and educated people are the backbone for any prosperous society and country. In Indian context and with special reference to the state of Odisha there are many poor people who are unable to afford paid quality education. As a result at the end of their education they...

06.03.2014Summer workshops in the "DAMIAN JOVEN", Peru (brothers)
During the week of February 17 to 22, summer workshops were held in the DAMIAN JOVEN (Young Damien) Center, with the participation of 250 young people from Lima and other regions. In the rooms of the Convent of the Plaza Francia (Lima) various workshops, in double time, o...