15.02.2016Meeting of superiors of the Iberian Peninsula (Brs & Srs)
From February 12 to 13 was held in the Retreat House San José, El Escorial, the annual meeting of superiors, brothers and sisters, of the Iberian Peninsula. This time the subject was “religious life which goes forth”. It featured the presence of Sebasti...

09.02.2016Annual Report of Damien Social Development Institute (DSDI), India (Brs)
DSDI has just published its 2015 Annual Report which summarizes the many activities carried out during the year. DSDI is the nonprofit organization of the SSCC brothers in India. Its headquarters is located in Phulnakhara, Bhubaneswar, in the state of Orissa. Inspired by ...

09.02.2016Priestly Ordination in Kinshasa, DRCongo (Brs)
The priestly ordination of our brothers Ibl Ikwel Landry (DR Congo) and Joachim Silvestre Noteiana Mole (Mozambique) was held on Sunday, February 7, 2016, in the Parish Mary Help of Christians, in the Archdiocese of Kinshasa (DR Congo)
The Eucharist was presided by Mg...

04.02.2016Letter of the Superior General – YOU ARE ALL BROTHERS (Brs)

02.02.2016Retreat for altar boys and closing of the year of religious life in Polanica Zdroj, Poland (Brs)
From 29 to 31 January 2016 a retreat for acolytes of the parishes served by SSCC was held at the monastery of Christ the King, in Polanica Zdroj. It was a group of 13 boys from all over Poland.
The main theme was the importance of the Sacred Scriptures in our lives an...

02.02.2016† Sister Benilde CAMPANO, sscc (Peru-Brasil-Mexico)