"In Jesus we find everything"

General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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"To the heart nothing is far away" (Good Mother)

  • 23.05.2016Letter of the Superior General - Common Vocation and Mission (Srs)

  • 17.05.2016Retreat of SSCC Spirituality in Argentina (Brs) On 14 and 15 May 2016 the Emmaus College of Argentina hosted a beautiful and intense Retreat of Sacred Hearts Spirituality where the Argentineans and Chileans come together. Organized and animated by five brothers of our Congregation, the retreat took place in an atmo...

  • 16.05.2016Retreat of the General Government (Brs) From May 12 to 16 2016, all the members of the General Government had a retreat at "Holy Camaldolese Hermitage,” the last hermitage founded by Saint Romuald. That was in the year 1025. So, we made our retreat in an ancient place. As usual, the retreat was d...

  • 14.05.2016First vows in the Philippines (Brs) On Saturday May 14, 2016, at 9:30 am in the Philippines, Brother Rio Disini professed his first religious vows. Rio, 36 years old, is from Davao (Mindanao), in the south of the Philippines. The profession ceremony was held during the Mass celebrated in the chapel of S...

  • 13.05.2016Celebration of the 30 years of presence of the SSCC sisters in Mexico     Thirty years ago our sisters arrived in Ecuador to begin the adventure of founding the sscc presence in Mexico. May 13 1986 was the starting point of this journey full of rich experiences, joys and constant searches. Today, this May 13, 2016, we have celebra...

  • 08.05.2016Priesthood Ordination in Africa (RD Congo) (Brs) On Sunday, May 8, 2016, the priestly ordination of our brother Crispin Badinga Kifu sscc took place in Mary Help of Christians Parish in the Archdiocese of Kinshasa (DR Congo). The Eucharist was presided by Mgr. Edouard Kisonga, Auxiliary Bishop of Kinshasa. The Repre...

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