CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEARTSof JESUS and MARY General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome
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"To the heart nothing is far away" (Good Mother)
19.12.2017† Fr. Pierre LE GUÉVEL sscc (French Polynesia)
19.12.2017Recent publications of SSCC brothers Over the last few months, several SSCC published their written works. Sergio Silva sscc (Province of Chile). «La conversión pastoral y misionera de la iglesia: Orientaciones de la exhortación Evangelii Gaudium del papa Francisco». ( &laq...
18.12.2017† Fr. Luis Norberto ZULAICA VIDAURRE sscc (Ibérica)
17.12.2017Assembly of the Region of Paraguay (brothers) From December 11 to 13, the Regional Assembly of the brothers in Paraguay took place in the postulancy house in Asunción. They met 11 brothers, who were accompanied by Fr. Antonio Lemos sscc, as delegate of the Provincial Superior of Brazil (Sergio Stein). ...
15.12.2017† Fr. Jesús (Tomás) ZAPATA ARÓSTEGUI sscc (Iberia)
14.12.2017Meeting of Altar Boys in Poland (brothers) On Saturday, December 9, Fr. Tomasz Pawlukowski sscc, parochial vicar in Owinska, who is responsible for the altar boys in that area, organized a "desert day". On this occasion the meeting took place in Kicin. There were 38 altar boys. The "desert day&q...
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From a letter of the Founder to Father Hippolyte Launay