Somewhat belatedly, we cannot fail to report on the great celebrations that took place to mark the 75th anniversary of the presence of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts in Ireland.
The celebratory mass took place at the Damien Oratory in Cootehill on 23 November last. It was presided over by Michael Ruddy sscc, superior of the Delegation of Ireland-England, with several concelebrants and the presence of Bishop Larry Duffy DD, Bishop of Clogher. Also present at this thanksgiving Eucharist, in which our religious family commemorated the dies natalis of our Foundress, Henrietta Aymer de la Chevalerie, were our SSCC sisters, members of the secular branch, family, friends and benefactors. We thank the Lord for the presence of the Sacred Hearts in Ireland and for their dedication to the proclamation of the Gospel throughout the world, following the inspiration of our Founder, the Good Father.
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